When we start a new routine that we know will create greater possibilities in our lives after the novelty of going for it fades and what remains are a series of commitments. In addition to our commitments to growth there are heaps of self compassion and acknowledgement of where we are right here, right now.
Holding your feet to the fire might help you get started but checking in with yourself and affirming your efforts keeps you going.
If you are feeling your enthusiasm fade, slip or fall for a workout routine, lifestyle shift or personal growth work try some grounding and compassionate self talk. Remind yourself about your commitments and strengths. Allow yourself to be where you are as you are heading where your are going.
I own my strengths and my limitations.
I take the time to get in touch with my feelings.
I am not afraid of my emotions.
I love myself enough to do better for myself and the people in my life.
I am enough as I am right here, right now, making sense of all this.