Featured expert for Elite Daily read it here.

‘"Every person and every relationship is different. "Some people might be OK with a quarterly visit, where others can't go a week without hopping on a plane," Shula Melamed, MA, MPH, and well-being coach, tells Elite Daily. Figuring out how often you and your partner would like to see each other really comes down to each of your needs and how much flexibility you both have to travel back and forth. "If one person has more flexibility and doesn't mind traveling that could be a great arrangement," Melamed says. "If both are working and do not have a lot of flexibility, make sure to have some dates on the calendar to look forward to and commit to them."

Being apart can also be easier to manage if you and your partner have a timeline of when you'll be living in the same city again, if ever, because it allows you to feel like you're working toward a specific goal. "It helps build the kind of intimacy only shared purpose can," says Melamed. "Discuss if/how you will end the long-distance nature of the relationship. Knowing that there is a plan, or a plan for a plan, to move near to one another (if living near one and other is a goal) is important."

Whether you make plans to see each other every two weeks, monthly, quarterly, or however often, it's important that you do make those plans. "Building anticipation for these moments can give you something to look forward to in the stretches where you are returning home alone, missing the other person," Melamed says.’

