Featured expert for MindBodyGreen read it here.

‘"A serious relationship is one in which two people are dedicated to growing together," relationships and well-being coach Shula Melamed tells mbg. "It can happen quickly, or it can grow over the span of a few years—the critical component is that both people are invested in it and in a similar way."‘

‘"They text you back; they make and keep plans; so do you," Melamed adds. "Attendance is mandatory in a serious relationship—you need to show up every damn day. This is the first glimpse of that commitment." (Not that you need to hang out every day—but whether or not you're going to be spending time together soon is not up for debate or based on whether your schedule permits. You're going to make the time.)’

‘Melamed adds that spending a lot of time with each other's close friends can also say a lot about the strength and promise of your relationship. "These people know your name and who you are in [your partner's] life," she says. "This person is showing and sharing their world with you—which is a pretty good indication they would like to bring you into it."‘

‘"[When people are in a serious relationship], they aren't freaked out to discuss things like the future, the status of your relationship, nonnegotiables in partnership, hopes, dreams, and how they specifically feel about all these topics," Melamed says. "They are able to take these conversations from hypothetical to how it applies to you, them, and the two of you."

That willingness to go deep and have some vulnerable conversations in and of itself is a "good sign of growing intimacy," she adds. ‘

