
Here’s How To Stop Yourself From Late-Night Texting A Crush, Because It’s So Tempting

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‘Or, as Shula Melamed, relationship and wellbeing coach suggests, work out a different plan. "If you want to express something to them but you see that it is a little late, craft something in the notes section of your phone and make a plan to send it in the morning," she advises. Or, you could reach out to a friend to help you refrain from hitting send. "Create a buddy system with a friend where you send the texts you want to send your crush to them," Melamed adds.’




8 Signs Your Relationship Is Getting Deeper & More Serious

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‘"A serious relationship is one in which two people are dedicated to growing together," relationships and well-being coach Shula Melamed tells mbg. "It can happen quickly, or it can grow over the span of a few years—the critical component is that both people are invested in it and in a similar way."‘

‘"They text you back; they make and keep plans; so do you," Melamed adds. "Attendance is mandatory in a serious relationship—you need to show up every damn day. This is the first glimpse of that commitment." (Not that you need to hang out every day—but whether or not you're going to be spending time together soon is not up for debate or based on whether your schedule permits. You're going to make the time.)’

‘Melamed adds that spending a lot of time with each other's close friends can also say a lot about the strength and promise of your relationship. "These people know your name and who you are in [your partner's] life," she says. "This person is showing and sharing their world with you—which is a pretty good indication they would like to bring you into it."‘

‘"[When people are in a serious relationship], they aren't freaked out to discuss things like the future, the status of your relationship, nonnegotiables in partnership, hopes, dreams, and how they specifically feel about all these topics," Melamed says. "They are able to take these conversations from hypothetical to how it applies to you, them, and the two of you."

That willingness to go deep and have some vulnerable conversations in and of itself is a "good sign of growing intimacy," she adds. ‘




Is It Better To Suggest Staying Friends When Rejecting Someone? Here's How To Decide

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‘According to Shula Melamed, MA, MPH, relationship and well-being coach, when giving someone close to you a thank u, next, it's important to say what you really mean. Though suggesting friendship may initially feel like you're softening the blow of rejection, if being friends is an empty offer, you may be causing some unwanted heartache. "[Suggesting staying friends] depends on if that is actually a possibility or something that you are willing or able to do," Melamed tells Elite Daily. "If you are offering this be sure to check yourself to see if you are really up for it."‘




The One Reason You Should Text Your Ex, According To A Therapist

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‘Whether you're feeling upset and unsettled about how the breakup happened and you want to send some spicy texts about it or if you're thinking that you want to see your ex again — the end of a relationship can come with a mixture of feelings. With the lingering pain and confusion of heartbreak, it's not always easy to know what the best way to move forward is. According to Shula Melamed, MA, MPH, and well-being coach, taking some space and time for yourself after a breakup (i.e. not texting your ex every time you want to) can be the first step in really starting to heal. "A breakup is also a time for an individual to get back in touch with themselves," Melamed tells Elite Daily. "Too much contact can be distracting or interrupt the process of healing."

Of course, if you and your partner shared a pet together or you both play on the same intramural team, Melamed attests that it may feel impossible not to talk to them after a breakup. "A lot of times, couples will have shared responsibilities that could outlast the relationship that require communication and coordination," Melamed says. "In these cases speaking is inevitable." If you and your partner lived together or you have the same friends, texting after a breakup may be a helpful way to communicate.

Still, Melamed shares that if you're not totally over the breakup, speaking to your ex can prolong your own healing — especially if they're starting to see new people or have moved on themselves. If you stopped going to painting classes during your relationship or you spent the last nine months helping your ex edit their resumé to help them get a new job, the end of a relationship can be a great time to fully invest back in yourself and your happiness. And according to Melamed, once you start to put all your time and energy back into living your own life — you may find you don't really feel any need to reach out to your ex.’




If Your Partner Has Family Drama, Here's How To Stay Out Of It

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‘"Ask them what they need, don't assume you know what that is. Every family is different and has different ways of managing conflict," Shula Melamed, MA, MPH, and wellbeing coach tells Elite Daily. "Do they need you to just be there for them? Do they need a sounding board? Do they need someone to pick up certain tasks around the house in order to clear up space for dealing with the drama? Ask them what they need in the moment."

According to Melamed, asking your partner what little things they need or what support you can offer can be a great way to help them through their drama without getting too involved.’




Signs Your Relationship Is Not Worth Fighting For, Because Sometimes It's Best To Love & Let Go

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‘"The most stable relationships are not ones where nothing goes wrong ever but it is the one where you are able to have things go wrong and repair after the arguments," Shula Melamed, MA, MPH, and well-being coach says. "The ones in which a couple is able to to disagree, discuss it, and acknowledge each other's roles in a dynamic."‘




Do Dates Care About Your Messy Car? Here's What Experts Say

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‘"How you present yourself and how you present your stuff can send a message to another person about the level of care that you have for yourself, and the things in your life, and, ultimately, maybe them," Shula Melamed, MA, MPH, relationship and well-being coach, tells Elite Daily. Your car is an extension of yourself, Hoffman says. So, if you have a messy car, "your date could be led to believe your life is messy too," she continues. "Always aim to put your best foot forward on a date." The same way you probably wouldn't want your date to go into your room if you haven't put away laundry from last month, consider giving your car a nice de-cluttering before picking up your date.

So, while your messy car may not seem like a huge deal to you because you use it every day, for someone you're meeting for the first time, the clutter may be a turn-off. "Have the respect for yourself and the other person not to invite them into a chaotic environment," Melamed says. "You want them to feel comfortable and open to the evening — it's hard to do that sitting on a pile of gas station receipts or a small, smelly space."‘




This Is The Difference Between Casual Hookups & Casual Relationships, According To Experts

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‘"Usually it is a purely sexual/physical relationship where there are no relational strings attached," Shula Melamed, MA, MPH, and well-being coach says. A casual hookup can be a relationship based in getting it on with a boo, without any other expectations.

If you've started to catch feelings or you've realized you're not totally equipped for something casual, it may feel overwhelming to discuss what you need from your boo or how your intentions with them have evolved. "People tend to avoid these discussions because they are afraid they will be asked for something they can't or don't want to deliver," Melamed says. While it may seem intimidating, according to Melamed, the moment of discomfort can be worth it in the long run as it can combat some major pain or bigger issues down the line. "In the most positive and productive way, the two of you talk about it and decide together. In the least productive and potentially harmful way, one person decides and expects the other person to step up in a way that they aren't even aware is expected of them," Melamed says.’




How Often Should You See Your Long-Distance Partner? Here’s What Experts Say To Aim For

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‘"Every person and every relationship is different. "Some people might be OK with a quarterly visit, where others can't go a week without hopping on a plane," Shula Melamed, MA, MPH, and well-being coach, tells Elite Daily. Figuring out how often you and your partner would like to see each other really comes down to each of your needs and how much flexibility you both have to travel back and forth. "If one person has more flexibility and doesn't mind traveling that could be a great arrangement," Melamed says. "If both are working and do not have a lot of flexibility, make sure to have some dates on the calendar to look forward to and commit to them."

Being apart can also be easier to manage if you and your partner have a timeline of when you'll be living in the same city again, if ever, because it allows you to feel like you're working toward a specific goal. "It helps build the kind of intimacy only shared purpose can," says Melamed. "Discuss if/how you will end the long-distance nature of the relationship. Knowing that there is a plan, or a plan for a plan, to move near to one another (if living near one and other is a goal) is important."

Whether you make plans to see each other every two weeks, monthly, quarterly, or however often, it's important that you do make those plans. "Building anticipation for these moments can give you something to look forward to in the stretches where you are returning home alone, missing the other person," Melamed says.’




5 Ways To Make Your Relationship More Romantic, So Get Ready To Swoon

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Shula Melamed, relationship and well-being coach, says that couples who try new activities together end up happier in the long run. “Maybe sign up for a course or cause that requires that the two of you to learn, create, or show up for something you both can be passionate about,” she suggests. If you have a shared love for something, it’ll bring you closer together, and it also gives you something fresh to talk about. Doing good for the world and doing good for your relationship? It’s a win-win.'

No matter what you do, the most important thing is that you’re enjoying each other’s company. “Couples who play and explore with each other report higher relationship satisfaction,” Melamed says. “So the ‘work’ that goes into maintaining long-term committed relationships might be more depended on ‘play.’” The human brain responds positively to new experiences, so the more creative you can be, the more fun you’ll have together. Try to make a habit of trying something new together at least once per month! This helps you build a bank of shared memories together that will keep the romance alive.’

